• Surrendered to the Shelter on December 29, 2021. |
December 27, 2022:
Attached is the fish that Marcia sent for Mocha for Christmas. Mocha loves sleeping up top of the cage in the box, I figured she would like her fish up top. Sure enough she was in the fish when I went to move her and the other ferrets into other play areas. I discovered Beaker and Gonzo like the fish up there too, they were snoozing in it. Thanks Marcia.
August 21, 2022:
Well Mocha is now relegated to the porch or the window end only. I put her in the playroom, when I tossed a pee pad over the barrier onto the dirty laundry basket I tossed the pee pad onto Mocha. I have no idea how she got up there. That girl is a real challenge.
July 29, 2022:
I forgot to tell you about what Mocha got herself into yesterday. We had an order of food come in, I had Melissa help me get it in the house. She handed me the 16# bag of food I took it to the playroom, dropped it over the barrier went back to get another bag. Mocha was in the playroom. I was moving ferrets from one room to another, I had put Smore in the kitchen, I don't remember who I was looking for but I came upstairs and there was Mocha behind the gate in the bathroom. At first I thought it was Smore but when I turned her over I realized it was Mocha. She had used the bags of food I had dropped over the barrier as a way to get over the barrier, into the kitchen. She is a poop.
June 25, 2022:
I had Smore in the ferret room, he can be trusted or so I thought. When I went back into that room I discovered the med dishes I set up had been tipped over, things from the work station were on the floor. I was sitting on the stool fixing the med dishes when I discovered 2 sable ferrets in the ferret room, that's a problem! I picked one of them up, turned them over to look at the belly, it was Mocha. She was supposed to be in the playroom. When I looked at the gate I discovered she had rattled the gate enough to get the bottom binder clip to partially come loose so she could squeeze through to get into the ferret room. It wasn't Smore that got up on the work station, it was Mocha. I put the stick in the gate she can't rattle that loose.
July 17, 2022:
I gave mocha the library and window end, she got out, I found her in the upstairs bathroom behind the gate. I took her down to the dining room, she got out of that room and back into the upstairs bathroom, only this time she was in there long enough to empty the trash can, then curl up to sleep in it. I can't keep that girl from getting into trouble.
April 26, 2022:
I had forgotten I had Mocha in the kitchen, half way through out visit I remembered she was in the kitchen unattended. I came in to look for her, she had climbed/jumped or whatever she does to get to the other side to the bathroom. She had been there long enough to knock everything off the shelves. She was stuck in the bathroom because there was nothing she could use to catapult over the barrier back to the other side.
April 26, 2022:
I got several play areas picked up and papers changed. Mocha decided I didn't do it correctly so she helped move papers around. She's turned out to be quite the character. she danced and dooked while I worked, she would run up to me jump on my leg, when I would turn to her to tell her I was going to get her she would run away with glee. She would wait for me to go back to what I was doing she would return to do it all over again.
January 23, 2022:
AM update: I had Mocha up here with me this morning, she got into the small trash receptacle under my desk. I had put a new bag in it, she was trying to get the bag out to carry it away. She let me cut her nails while she was up here.
PM update: Once again I let Mocha out first, she is a wild child. she was running full speed through the rooms dooking and clucking. I took a minute to sit so she could get up on my lap, I'm still keeping my hands covered with my sleeves, she was so excited she grabbed my arm and bit. She did not bite hard enough to get through the sleeve. I said no bites, she backed off but did it again she was excited. I said okay I don't play with little girls that bite, I set her down then went about my business. I was moving ferrets into rooms, when I came back into the ferret room she was up on the work station. It took me a minute to figure out it was Mocha, I first thought I had left one of them in the pan eating soup. She is a dickens, I took her to the window end room.
January 22, 2022:
I left Mocha in the library last night, she had been in the window end most of the day, I moved her to a bigger room for the night. Mind you I had cleaned up those rooms, changed out bedding. We have a large tote with rice in it for them to dig in, I cut a hole in the top of the tote so when the ferrets dig or jump out of the box the rice stays in the box. This morning I found rice all over the floor, she is a handful.
January 20, 2022:
I allowed Mocha in my space, I was up here with her. She was a good girl, she got into the small trash receptacle I keep under my desk but she didn't dig through it. I won't let her up here on her own she likes to climb, she cleaned off one of the shelves in the library this morning, above the gates I've secured to keep the ferrets from climbing. Just when I was thinking I could take the gates off the shelves that Mikey used to climb. I'll be leaving them there.
January 16, 2022:
I let Mocha get up first while I was doing meds. This is the first time she has done this... because all the gates are open she has full run of the entire shelter. She was running from one room to all the others full speed, dooking and chattering the whole time. all of a sudden she jumps onto my leg and climbs up to my waist. I held her for a few seconds put her back down she went full speed through the shelter got to me and did the jump and climb. She is a wild child this morning.
January 10, 2022:
I forgot to tell you, Donna and I had Mocha out in the kitchen with us, she literally climbs up my pant leg, she tried climbing Donna's but her pants were silky sweats, Mocha couldn't climb them. I was busy making soup, Donna had gone out to the welcome center to take trash out. I turned around to see Mocha jumping up to get over the wood barrier Tom made us. She missed getting her paws on the edge by 1". I moved her to the window end to keep her in the house. She is a dickens. Donna and I have ruled out hearing impairment, I think she was not happy with something that was in her life and the only way to convey that is bite.So far she has allowed me to pick her up, if she isn't already in my arms from climbing up my leg, I can set her soup in the cage in front of her she waits until I take my hand away before she moves forward to eat it.
January 9, 2022:
When I'm moving Mocha from room to room, I lean over the barrier but my arm down (hand covered with my sleeve) she climbs up my arm so I can cradle her, then take her to the next room. She has not swung her head around like she is going to bite, in days.
January 8, 2022:
Mocha is getting to spend her time in the playroom. She did well the other day when I put her in there. She loves to climb, there are several places she can climb safely.
January 2, 2022:
I allowed Mocha to play in the kitchen, I closed off the top of the stairs to keep track of her. She did okay there isn't much she can get into in the kitchen. There was evidence that she tried climbing the trashcan it didn't appear she was successful.
December 31, 2021:
I let Mocha run the window end, library, and ferret room. I made the mistake of leaving the room, leaving her by herself. When I got back into the ferret room it was apparent she had climbed up onto the work station. She had all the puppy pads I had sitting there on the floor, taking them one by one under the cages, into cubbyholes, I grabbed the one she had in her mouth as she headed under the cage. We played tug-of-war with the puppy pad, she is strong. I was finally able to get the pad away from her.
December 30, 2021:
AM Update: Mocha is in the bank of cages that got up first this morning. Before I got anyone up to have meds I went to Mocha to see if she wanted soup. She was fast asleep in her sleep box, I gently tapped on the box to wake her, she didn’t stir. I increased the tap a bit at a time still no movement. I slowly put my hand in the sleep box to touch her, knowing I could get bitten. She finally woke, looked at me, stretched, then came out of the box. She allowed me to pick her up without a fuss, I offered her soup from the dropper she couldn't get it fast enough. I set up a bowl, put her down in the stack of boxes with the bowl she went to town. I’m back to thinking she may be deaf, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing see how she settles in. She found the cornstarch peanut box and the rice box; up and in them without a second thought. I let her run the 3 rooms that were open until I got meds done. When the fur kids were done with meds I would put them in the room they were going to, close the room up. It appears Mocha was eating out mix of food, I put a bowl of her kind and a bowl of ours with some of her kind in the dish. There was a pretty big divot in the bowl with our mix.
PM Update: Mocha update, she got the library this morning after I had everyone out and into the play areas. I was able to pick her up to put her away with no bites. When I was serving soup tonight she was up on the shelf peeking out of her cage. I gave her a bowl of soup she dove into it like she's been getting soup all her life. She has also decided ferretone is good. I expect I will get careless and she will nail me but I've been bitten before (Buddy, Gypsy, Raine, Crumb-bum, Master Largo) just to name a few. It took longer to gain Buddy's trust, he was the first bitter we took in. Each biter gets easier to gain trust. Anyway I'm pleased with her progress.
December 29, 2021:
When I was doing meds tonight I got Mocha up to offer her soup. She did not attempt to bite, I held her to dropper feed her some soup. She took 7 ml before telling me she had enough. she took to the dropper of soup with no fuss. Poo in her box looked good when I opened the cage to cover the papers.
December 29, 2021:
We got a call asking for help with a biter ferret. The owner said this ferret bites hard enough to cause bleeding. Mocha was dropped off this morning. She’s a big black sable girl. Donna came today, Mocha took right to Donna, got out of 2 rooms, likes to jump, and climb. She did not bite either Donna or me but a couple of times she swung around like she was going to. The owner showed me her arms where Mocha bit her. I think she may be deaf. Time will tell how she adjusts.