Welcome to Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc.

Isabel & Phoebe

   • They found a New Forever Home August 21, 2008.
   • Isabel is a female.
   • Phoebe is a female.

  Their story begins July 6, 2008 with this email:
  Hi, I went into Petco today and was told there are two ferrets for adoption. Since I already adopted pet rats, mice, hamsters, rescued 16 pinkies with the nursing moms, and have a turtle, frog, fish, hermit crabs and a cat, I thought "well why not a ferret?" I held them and was amazed by how sweet and gentle they were. one licked my nose and then proceeded to bite my arm. They are both females, the larger one white and the smaller one black/brown/gray & white. Upon further research on ferrets, I found out they should not be kept in a cage. I have no problem with this, but I do not know if my cat will try to attack them. I honestly don't think I am the one to adopt them right now. Do you know of any ferret rescue homes in Westchester County, NY? I would like to take them from Petco and give them to someone who can keep them un caged. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Many blessings.

  November 11, 2008:
  Everything else is about the same, the kids are into everything. They have to be in my lap trying to type when I am trying to get things done on the puter. I was a nightmare trying to get the newsletter done and posted.

  October 02, 2008:
  Well the new kids have settled right in and know they have found a forever home. I had forgotten what it was like to have two youngsters in the house. They are into everything and testing my ferret proofing. They both learned very quickly to climb up my pant legs to try to get on the computer desk and scatter everything. They are getting along fine with the four cats that have learned again how to jump over the barriers real quick when chased. They move to quick to get any good pics of them but I will keep trying. They know what time I get up and they are waiting for their morning pickup and hugs and they are waiting when I come home at night for a little more of the same. They were very easy to switch over to my blend of foods and both are very Healthy eaters and poopers. They were checked out by our Doc and brought up to date on their shots. I can't say Thank You enough to Florence for rescuing them from Petco and bringing them to MA from NY. Also to Brenda for her help with Florence in finding them a forever home.
  Harry, Princess Isabel & Lady Phoebe

  August 30, 2008:
  They are doing great, they have adapted right in, they are waiting for me when I get home from work to be picked up and played with before I go to bed. They are eating my mix of food with no problem, getting along fine with the other animals. I think that they know that they have a forever home.