Welcome to Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc.

Possum's Special Additions, AKA Rants

   Reporter Possum left for the Rainbow Bridge on February 13, 2012. Reporter Sarah left for the Rainbow Bridge on June 12, 2014.

   Reporter Daisy's special additions to the Newsletter

   Rants from 2018, 2017 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, & 2010.


July 13, 2019:
Hi cyber friends and shelter supporters,   Dillen came to help Mum today, he and Mum got the napkins off the porch and into the shelter to be put away. Reggie and crew were in the room, Dillen was putting the napkins in. When Mum got them all off the porch and into the shelter she came into put them away. Reggie was tackling the packages as they came into the room, Dillen started to build a fort out of the packages, Reggie thought that was a great place to play. Then Reggie decided he was going to play King on the hill.
  The napkins Reggie is playing in are the napkins that came in from our campaign. Mum says thank you all for helping us keep supplies on hand and helping to entrtain our young shelter help and fur kids
Gotta go bounce